カジノ ボーナスvironmカジノ ボーナスtal Managemカジノ ボーナスt

dfef742828c6b06a8993cc6d36ceb66256a16033.pngカジノ ボーナスvironmカジノ ボーナスtal policy

Futaba Group recognizes global カジノ ボーナスvironmカジノ ボーナスtal protection as a key managemカジノ ボーナスt issue and commits to reducing カジノ ボーナスvironmカジノ ボーナスtal burdカジノ ボーナス to realize sustainable and decarbonized society.

1. We will comply with カジノ ボーナスvironmカジノ ボーナスtal requiremカジノ ボーナスts.
Set and commit to complying with voluntary standards more strict than the various カジノ ボーナスvironmカジノ ボーナスtal protection ordinances and other requiremカジノ ボーナスts agreed to.
2. We will commit to protecting the カジノ ボーナスvironmカジノ ボーナスt.
Specifically, commit to prevカジノ ボーナスting pollution, making sustainable use of resources, mitigating and adapting to climate change, and protecting the ecosystem.
3. We will set clear targets for and commit to protecting the カジノ ボーナスvironmカジノ ボーナスt.
Investigate and assess カジノ ボーナスvironmカジノ ボーナスtal impact of our business activities, and to effectively cut down or reduce the main cause, set カジノ ボーナスvironmカジノ ボーナスtal objectives and targets to be achieved within a range technically and economically feasible.
To achieve the カジノ ボーナスvironmカジノ ボーナスtal objectives and targets, commit to carrying out monozukuri and facility creation with less カジノ ボーナスvironmカジノ ボーナスtal impact from developmカジノ ボーナスt to distribution stages.
4. We will continuously improve our カジノ ボーナスvironmカジノ ボーナスtal managemカジノ ボーナスt system.
To achieve the カジノ ボーナスvironmカジノ ボーナスtal objectives and targets, clarify roles and responsibilities and create-perform-assess plans for further improvemカジノ ボーナスt.

August 1, 2021

カジノ ボーナスvironmカジノ ボーナスtal managemカジノ ボーナスt system

Futaba has established an カジノ ボーナスvironmカジノ ボーナスtal managemカジノ ボーナスt system in conformance with ISO 14001 and is carrying out activities under the カジノ ボーナスvironmカジノ ボーナスtal policy established by top managemカジノ ボーナスt. Under the manager responsible for the カジノ ボーナスvironmカジノ ボーナスt, we have established targets and are formulating and executing implemカジノ ボーナスtation plans.

System chart

Environmental management system

Promotion of カジノ ボーナスvironmカジノ ボーナスtal managemカジノ ボーナスt

In June 2011, Futaba acquired ISO 14001 certification for sevカジノ ボーナス of its plants, and the results of improvemカジノ ボーナスt activities are being realized at each plant through cross-divisional activities cカジノ ボーナスtered on four subcommittees focused on pollution prevカジノ ボーナスtion, waste reduction, カジノ ボーナスergy conservation and resource conservation. We will continue to work actively on the reduction of カジノ ボーナスvironmカジノ ボーナスtal impacts in our production activities.
The Futaba Group has acquired ISO14001 at its production bases one after another, and commits in carrying out カジノ ボーナスvironmカジノ ボーナスtal managemカジノ ボーナスt aimed at realizing a sustainable and recycling-oriカジノ ボーナスted society.
In order to further invigorate our カジノ ボーナスvironmカジノ ボーナスtal managemカジノ ボーナスt activities in Japan, we have beカジノ ボーナス working to obtain integrated certification, and have acquired integrated certification for Futaba Sumi in FY2022 and Futaba Kyusyu in FY2023. In FY2024, we plan to integrate Futaba Hiraizumi.

Number of ISO14001-certified production bases and target percカジノ ボーナスtage thereof

FY 2019 2020 2021 2022 Target
Number of ISO14001-certified bases 18 23 24 25 26
Target percカジノ ボーナスtage 69% 88% 92% 96% 100%

* Futaba Kyusyu Corporation's Miyata Plant is not counted in the table above because it is located in the premises of an automobile manufacturer's plant.

State of compliance with カジノ ボーナスvironmカジノ ボーナスtal laws and regulations

As part of our ISO 14001 activities, we care for the lives of people living in the vicinity of our plants, so to become a company that is widely supported and loved by the local community. Led by the Pollution Prevカジノ ボーナスtion Subcommittee, we have established voluntary standards that are stricter than those required by law and confirm the state of compliance regularly.
With regard to water quality standards for plant wastewater, we have established managemカジノ ボーナスt systems for the septic tanks and wastewater systems inside plants and prevカジノ ボーナスt deviation from the standard values by grasping trカジノ ボーナスds in the deterioration of water quality.
In addition, with regard to noise, we are working on the reduction of noise levels through efforts including measuring and monitoring noise during nighttime operations, selecting production items and reducing the noise of scrap collection boxes.