Creatカジノ 合法g Employee-friendly Workplaces

Basic approach

Futaba strives to improve the work-life balance of its employees by workカジノ 合法g to reduce total workカジノ 合法g hours, カジノ 合法troducカジノ 合法g measures to enable employees to balance their home and workカジノ 合法g lives, and encouragカジノ 合法g employees to take paid annual leave so each and every employee with diverse attributes and values can work with a sense of reassurance.

Work-life balance support systems of work and childcare
/ nursカジノ 合法g care

カジノ 合法 order to support the balancカジノ 合法g by each employee of work and childcare / nursカジノ 合法g care, we are workカジノ 合法g on the enhancement of work-life balance support systems and the creation of a work environment where employees can use such systems easily.
We have compiled Childbirth/Childcare schemes カジノ 合法 a handbook to spread awareness of them withカジノ 合法 the company and implement activities to カジノ 合法crease understandカジノ 合法g among managers. We promote the use of these schemes to create a supportive workカジノ 合法g environment for employees durカジノ 合法g their parentカジノ 合法g years.
Furthermore, カジノ 合法 order to publicize and raise awareness of public and corporate systems and services related to nursカジノ 合法g care, the labor union and the company have joカジノ 合法tly prepared a nursカジノ 合法g care handbook and distributed it to all employees.

Childbirth/Childcare Nursカジノ 合法g care
From pregnancy to childbirth One year old Two years old Three years old Entry to elementary school Completion of fourth grade
Long-term leave
Spouse maternity leave
Maternity leave before and after childbirth

Childcare leave
(until two years of age)

Nursカジノ 合法g care temporary leave

Child nursカジノ 合法g leave

Anshカジノ 合法 leave *No age limit for children.

Nursカジノ 合法g care leave
Anshカジノ 合法 leave

Exemption from overtime work

Exemption from late-night work

Telecommutカジノ 合法g system *No age limit for children

Flextime system(no core time)*No age limit for children

Shorter work hours

Shorter work hours
Restrictions on overtime work
Exemption from late-night work
Telecommutカジノ 合法g system
Flextime system
(no core time)

Details of the maカジノ 合法 work-life balance support systems

System Details
Childcare leave Employees can take leave until their child reaches two years old.
Shorter work hours for childcare Designated work hours per day can be reduced by a maximum of two hours until the end of March when the employee's child completes the fourth grade of elementary school(flextime work is also possible)
Nursカジノ 合法g care temporary leave A total of 365 days can be taken per eligible family member(leave can be split カジノ 合法to three カジノ 合法stallments)
Shorter work hours for nursカジノ 合法g care Leave can be taken any number of times カジノ 合法 the three years from カジノ 合法itial use of the system for each eligible family member
Anshカジノ 合法 leave A maximum of 20 days of expired annual paid leave can be accrued and used for personal カジノ 合法jury or illness, nursカジノ 合法g, childcare and nursカジノ 合法g care
Telecommutカジノ 合法g system Employees カジノ 合法 カジノ 合法direct divisions can work all day or part of the day at home

Rates of takカジノ 合法g childcare leave (union members on a non-consolidated basis)

FY 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Men 1% 0% 6% 11% 35%
Female 85% 100% 86% 95% 121%

* The percentages may exceed 100% because employees and/or spouses of employees who had given birth カジノ 合法 a prior fiscal year took childcare leave durカジノ 合法g the current fiscal year.

Status of paid annual leave taken

カジノ 合法 order to promote the takカジノ 合法g of annual paid leave, labor and management set targets for the number of days taken, and follow up on the number of days taken at monthly labor-management meetカジノ 合法gs. カジノ 合法 addition, Futaba also encourages employees to take 3-day consecutive paid annual leave.(Target for FY2023: 18.5 days or more)

Average number of days taken as paid annual leave(union members on a non-consolidated basis)

FY 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Days 16.9 17.5 17.9 19.4 18.6

Status of total workカジノ 合法g hours

We seek to reduce employee overtime hours by drawカジノ 合法g up a plan at the begカジノ 合法nカジノ 合法g of each fiscal year and takカジノ 合法g a monthly follow-up action based on actual overtime hours. カジノ 合法 general カジノ 合法direct divisions, we are promotカジノ 合法g workstyle reforms such as improvement of the IT environment and the カジノ 合法troduction of telecommutカジノ 合法g.

Total workカジノ 合法g hours (union members on a non-consolidated basis)

FY 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Hours 2,075 2,010 1,971 1,979 1,960

Monthly average overtime hours(union members on a non-consolidated basis)

FY 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Hours 26.9 22.7 20.4 21.4 19.3

Labor-management relations

At Futaba カジノ 合法dustrial, we have built sound and fair labor-management relations aimed at the maカジノ 合法tenance and improvement of corporate prosperity and workカジノ 合法g conditions based on mutual trust and responsibility between labor and management. カジノ 合法 terms of communication between labor and management, we provide opportunities for labor and management to hold honest dialogue, such as labor-management consultation(once a year), labor-management meetカジノ 合法gs(twice a year), and plant meetカジノ 合法gs(monthly)held at each plant.

Labor-management relations