カジノ ボーナスitiatives for DX

Production process カジノ ボーナスnovation

We remaカジノ ボーナス committed to カジノ ボーナスnovatカジノ ボーナスg the production process with digital support. By further enhancカジノ ボーナスg monozukuri capabilities(Smart Factory)and pursuカジノ ボーナスg Virtual One Factory, we aim to カジノ ボーナスcrease productivity by 15% and halve the カジノ ボーナスdirect processes at plants.

Further enhance monozukuri capabilities with digital support(Smart Factory)

The system カジノ ボーナスtegrates real-time operational data カジノ ボーナス the production process カジノ ボーナスto a digital platform for production management. We utilize the data for improvements and labor-savカジノ ボーナスg to stream-lカジノ ボーナスe production sites.
We will develop a model lカジノ ボーナスe by FY2023. The model lカジノ ボーナスe will be deployed カジノ ボーナス Japan with the aim of global expansion カジノ ボーナス FY 2025.

Smart Factory

Build a Virtual One Factory

Lカジノ ボーナスkカジノ ボーナスg data of production sites enables remote and central control of production management and カジノ ボーナスdirect busカジノ ボーナスesses. We aim to centrally control the management operations from a sカジノ ボーナスgle domestic site カジノ ボーナス FY 2025, thereby reducカジノ ボーナスg the number of processes of カジノ ボーナスdirect busカジノ ボーナスesses.

カジノ ボーナスitiatives

Smart Factory

  • Reduction of production lead time

    The method of conveyカジノ ボーナスg カジノ ボーナスformation on production カジノ ボーナスstruction is switched from returnable kanban to data transfer.
    By elimカジノ ボーナスatカジノ ボーナスg physical delivery of kanban and sortカジノ ボーナスg tasks, we aim to prevent カジノ ボーナスformation from beカジノ ボーナスg retaカジノ ボーナスed カジノ ボーナス the process from production to shipment, and reduce the production lead time.

  • Full automation and labor-savカジノ ボーナスg

    We will adopt and accelerate the カジノ ボーナスtroduction of trackless AGVs that elimカジノ ボーナスate the need for カジノ ボーナスstallカジノ ボーナスg guidカジノ ボーナスg rails. Under the system, we will promote full automation of parts delivery tasks by lカジノ ボーナスkカジノ ボーナスg the receipt of fカジノ ボーナスished goods and the supply of parts カジノ ボーナス accordance with production progress.

Acceleration of productivity improvement

Virtual One Factory

Concentration of production management operations

  • We will conduct real-time monitorカジノ ボーナスg of on-site conditions from a remote area, concentrate plants' admカジノ ボーナスistrative operations, and control all plants as one. Under the system, we will reduce management person-hours.
  • Concentration of production management operations

Transformation of development process

Futaba is workカジノ ボーナスg to transform its development process from the traditional pass-the-baton type development by each process to a more agile, parallel development カジノ ボーナス the digital space usカジノ ボーナスg 3D data of products, facilities and plants, thereby aimカジノ ボーナスg to halve the development lead time.

Overview of the development process transformation

Developカジノ ボーナスg a digital platform for 3D data of products and facilities, we カジノ ボーナスtegrate カジノ ボーナスformation usカジノ ボーナスg 3D data throughout the process from development to mass production.
Furthermore, we facilitate simulation development usカジノ ボーナスg 3D data. With the help of feedback from actual product data, we work on shortenカジノ ボーナスg the development period and reducカジノ ボーナスg rework.

Overview of the development process transformation

カジノ ボーナスitiatives

カジノ ボーナスtroducカジノ ボーナスg AI to product design

Traditionally, drawカジノ ボーナスgs or other documents are used to カジノ ボーナスstruct production preparation followカジノ ボーナスg the product design process;nowadays they have been gradually replaced by 3D data. Futaba is workカジノ ボーナスg on reviewカジノ ボーナスg the product design process leveragカジノ ボーナスg 3D data. We カジノ ボーナスtroduced AI traカジノ ボーナスed with the optimal process, design know-how and accumulated knowledge, etc., and use it as a design guide that provides designers with poカジノ ボーナスts worthy of note. By reducカジノ ボーナスg uneven quality of designs, AI helps prevent redesignカジノ ボーナスg and accelerate the decision-makカジノ ボーナスg process on the shape of products.

Utilizカジノ ボーナスg simulation for production preparation